Manuel Miranda Freedom Award

Manuel Miranda Freedom Award

Congratulations to Lin-Manuel Miranda for Receiving the 2017 Freedom Award

Congratulations to our own “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda who on Tuesday night accept the 2017 Freedom Award from the U.S. Capitol Historical Society in Washington D.C.

“You know how sometimes you hear a tune from ‘Hamilton’ and it gets stuck in your head? Imagine what I felt like,” he said. “They were in my head first, and it took six, seven years to get them out of my head.”

But, Lin Manuel had other messages he wanted to get across about the importance of the arts.

“Without humanities and arts programs, I wouldn’t be standing here; and without Alexander Hamilton and the countless other immigrants who built this country it’s very probable that very few of us would be here either,” Manuel said.

Miranda will be in Washington D.C. today, joining the National Humanities Alliance in pushing to preserve $150 million annually in funding for the national endowments for the arts and humanities.